ماكينة صنع المدادة C

لمحة عامة من ماكينة صنع المدادة C

A C purlin making machine is a specialized roll forming equipment used to manufacture C-shaped purlin sections from coiled steel sheets. These purlins serve as important structural components in the construction of industrial buildings, warehouses, and other large-scale structures. The machine’s primary function is to continuously form and cut these C-shaped sections to desired lengths, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the manufacturing process.

ماكينة صنع المدادة C Guide

C purlin making machines are designed to streamline the production of C-shaped purlins by integrating various processes into a single, automated system. The key components of these machines typically include:

  1. Decoiler: This component holds and feeds the coiled steel sheet into the machine.
  2. Straightening and Flattening Unit: This unit ensures the steel sheet is properly straightened and flattened before entering the roll forming section.
  3. Roll Forming Section: This is the heart of the machine, where a series of precisely calibrated rollers gradually shape the flat steel sheet into the desired C-shaped profile.
  4. Punching and Cutting Unit: This unit punches holes or creates notches in the formed purlin, as per design requirements, and cuts the purlin to the specified length.
  5. Stacking and Packaging Unit: The finished purlins are neatly stacked and packaged for transportation or further processing.
ماكينة صنع المدادة C
C Purlin Making Machine 12

أنواع C Purlin Making Machines

C purlin making machines can be broadly categorized based on their production capacity and the complexity of the purlin profiles they can manufacture. The table below outlines some common types:

نوع الماكينةالطاقة الإنتاجيةPurlin Profile Complexity
الخدمة الخفيفةUp to 3 tons/hourSimple C-shaped profiles
الخدمة المتوسطة3-6 tons/hourModerately complex profiles with punching/notching
الخدمة الشاقةAbove 6 tons/hourComplex profiles with multiple bends and features

عملية العمل

The working process of a C purlin making machine follows a systematic approach to transform coiled steel sheets into precisely formed C-shaped purlins. Here’s a step-by-step overview:

  1. تغذية المواد: The coiled steel sheet is loaded onto the decoiler, which feeds the sheet into the machine at a controlled pace.
  2. Straightening and Flattening: The steel sheet passes through a series of rollers that straighten and flatten it, ensuring a smooth surface for the roll forming process.
  3. تشكيل لفة: The flattened steel sheet enters the roll forming section, where a series of precisely calibrated rollers gradually shape it into the desired C-shaped profile.
  4. التثقيب والتقطيع: Depending on the design requirements, the formed purlin may pass through a punching unit that creates holes or notches for bolt connections or other purposes. Finally, the purlin is cut to the specified length by a cutting unit.
  5. التكديس والتعبئة والتغليف: The finished purlins are neatly stacked and packaged for transportation or further processing.

Material Feeding, Forming, Design, and Customization

تغذية الموادC purlin making machines are designed to work with coiled steel sheets of varying thicknesses and widths. The decoiler component ensures a smooth and controlled feeding of the material into the machine.
التشكيلThe roll forming section is the heart of the machine, where a series of precisely calibrated rollers gradually shape the flat steel sheet into the desired C-shaped profile. The number and configuration of these rollers can be adjusted to produce different purlin profiles.
DesignC purlins can be designed with various features, such as punched holes, notches, or reinforcements, to accommodate specific structural requirements. The machine’s punching and cutting units can be programmed to create these features as per the design specifications.
التخصيصMany C purlin making machines offer customization options, allowing manufacturers to produce purlins with varying dimensions, thicknesses, and features to meet specific project requirements or customer demands.

الموردون ونطاق السعر

C purlin making machines are typically manufactured by specialized equipment suppliers. The table below lists some reputable suppliers and their approximate price ranges:

الموردالموقعنطاق السعر (بالدولار الأمريكي)
ماكينات سامكوالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية$50,000 – $250,000
Faygateالمملكة المتحدة$80,000 – $300,000
Zion Machineryالصين$30,000 – $150,000
Wiro Machineالهند$40,000 – $200,000

Please note that the actual price may vary depending on the specific machine configuration, features, and customization requirements.

التركيب والتشغيل والصيانة

التركيبC purlin making machines are large and complex pieces of equipment that require proper installation and setup. Most suppliers offer installation services or provide detailed instructions to ensure the machine is correctly positioned, leveled, and connected to the necessary utilities.
العمليةOperating a C purlin making machine typically involves programming the desired purlin profile, setting the feed rate, and monitoring the production process. Skilled operators are essential for efficient and safe operation.
الصيانةRegular maintenance is crucial to ensure the machine’s longevity and optimal performance. This includes tasks such as lubricating moving parts, replacing worn rollers or cutting blades, and performing regular inspections and adjustments.

اختيار المورد

When selecting a supplier for a C purlin making machine, it is essential to consider the following factors:

السمعة والخبرةLook for suppliers with a proven track record and extensive experience in manufacturing roll forming equipment.
Product Quality and ReliabilityEvaluate the supplier’s quality control measures and the reliability of their machines based on customer reviews and industry reputation.
الخدمة والدعمConsider the supplier’s after-sales service, availability of spare parts, and technical support, as these are crucial for maintaining the machine’s performance.
خيارات التخصيصAssess the supplier’s ability to offer customization options to meet your specific requirements for purlin profiles, production capacity, and automation features.
التسعير والتوصيلCompare pricing and delivery timelines across multiple suppliers to ensure you get a competitive deal without compromising on quality or features.

الإيجابيات والسلبيات

Like any industrial equipment, C purlin making machines have their advantages and limitations. Here’s a comparison:

High Production EfficiencySignificant Initial Investment
Consistent Product QualitySpecialized Maintenance Requirements
تعدد الاستخدامات في ملفات تعريف المدادةPotential Noise and Environmental Impact
Automation and Labor SavingsLimited Flexibility for Small Batches
Scalability for Increased DemandSteep Learning Curve for Operators

المزايا والقيود

C purlin making machines offer several advantages over traditional manual or semi-automated methods of purlin manufacturing:


  • Increased production efficiency and output
  • جودة المنتج المتسقة ودقة الأبعاد
  • Ability to produce complex purlin profiles with punching/notching features
  • Automation and reduced labor requirements
  • Scalability to meet increasing demand
  • Improved safety for workers (reduced manual handling)


  • Significant initial investment in machinery and installation
  • Specialized maintenance and operator training requirements
  • Potential environmental impact (noise, emissions, energy consumption)
  • Limited flexibility for small batch production or frequent design changes
  • Dependence on a reliable supply of coiled steel sheets
ماكينة صنع المدادة C
C Purlin Making Machine 13

التطبيقات الصناعية

C purlins manufactured by these machines find widespread applications in various industrial sectors, including:

  • Construction of industrial buildings, warehouses, and large-scale structures
  • Automotive and transportation infrastructure (e.g., assembly plants, hangars)
  • Power generation facilities (e.g., power plants, substations)
  • Mining and mineral processing plants
  • Agricultural and storage facilities

The versatility and strength of C purlins make them suitable for a wide range of structural applications, contributing to the overall integrity and durability of these industrial projects.


What is the typical production capacity of C purlin making machines?Production capacity can range from a few tons per hour for light-duty machines to over 6 tons per hour for heavy-duty machines.
Can these machines produce purlins with different profiles or dimensions?Yes, most C purlin making machines can be adjusted to produce various purlin profiles and dimensions by changing the roller configuration and settings.
What types of steel can be used in these machines?C purlin making machines are typically designed to work with coiled steel sheets of varying thicknesses and grades, including hot-rolled and cold-rolled steel.
How important is regular maintenance for these machines?Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the machine’s longevity and optimal performance. It helps prevent breakdowns, maintain product quality, and extend the machine’s lifespan.
Can C purlin making machines be customized to meet specific requirements?Yes, many suppliers offer customization options to tailor the machine’s features, automation levels, and purlin profiles to meet specific project requirements or customer demands.

معرفة المزيد تشكيل اللفائف

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ماكينة التشكيل بالدلفنة الصناعية

ماكينات التشكيل بالدرفلة الصناعية

نظرة عامة على ماكينات التشكيل بالدلفنة الصناعية تلعب ماكينات التشكيل بالدلفنة الصناعية دورًا حاسمًا في التصنيع الحديث، حيث توفر قدرات تشكيل المعادن بكفاءة ودقة. هذه

ماكينة التشكيل بالدرفلة الدقيقة

ماكينة التشكيل بالدرفلة الدقيقة

نظرة عامة التشكيل بالدلفنة الدقيقة هي عملية تصنيع مهمة تستخدم لإنشاء مكونات معدنية دقيقة ومتسقة وعالية الجودة. وهي تنطوي على الثني المستمر ل

ماكينة التشكيل بالدلفنة عالية السرعة

ماكينات التشكيل بالدلفنة عالية السرعة

نظرة عامة على ماكينات التشكيل بالدلفنة عالية السرعة أحدثت ماكينات التشكيل بالدلفنة ثورة في الصناعة التحويلية من خلال السماح بتشكيل المعدن بكفاءة ودقة. عالية السرعة

تواصل مع صن واي

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