सीजेड शहतीर रोल बनाने की मशीन

वैश्विक सेवा

हमारे पेशेवर विदेशी व्यापारी ग्राहकों की इच्छा के अनुसार वैश्विक व्यवसायी को संतुष्ट करेंगे।

डिजाइन और बनाएं

विभिन्न घटकों को डिजाइन करने के लिए यहां 20+ अनुभवी इंजीनियर हैं।

क्यूसी और क्यूए

उत्पादन प्रक्रिया का प्रत्येक चरण आईएसओ मानकों के अनुसार सख्ती से किया जाता है।

इस उत्पाद को साझा करें


CZ Purlin Roll forming machine can produce C, Z profiles. Produce the C and Z purlin by exchange one side of the roller up and down, only need about half hour. This machine also can adjust roller horizontal distance to achieve C or Z purlins of the width with high precision automatic. And also save time and increase production.

CZ Purlin Roll forming machine Applications

तैयार उत्पादों का व्यापक रूप से बड़े पैमाने पर और मध्य-स्तर के निर्माण में छत और दीवार के समर्थक के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है, जैसे कि कारखाने, गोदाम, गेराज, प्रदर्शनी केंद्र, सिनेमा, थिएटर, उद्यान और इतने पर।

CZ Purlin Roll forming machine Process Flow

Uncoiler — Feeding — Straightening — Pre-punching — Pre-cutting — Roll Forming — Exit Rack

मशीन विन्यास

1. Hydraulic Uncoiler
2. फीडिंग डिवाइस
3. सीधा करना
4. Roll Forming Machine
5. Post Punching 6. Post Cutting
7. पीएलसी नियंत्रण प्रणाली 8. रैक से बाहर निकलें

Profile Drawings for Reference

477b6a83 7ba2 4950 a407 cdc17bf75ae9

C Purlin Section Size
Section Size (mm) Hole Distance
H B B C t h
C100 100 40 40 15 2.0-3.0 No Punching
We Can Design the Machine According to Customer’s Requests
(with Middle Hole Punching).
C120 120 50 50 20 2.0-3.0 40
C140 140 50 50 20 2.0-3.0
Adjustable Hole Distance
C160 160 60 60 20 2.0-3.0
C180 180 60 60 20 2.0-3.0
C200 200 60 60 20 2.0-3.0
C220 220 70 70 20 2.0-3.0
C250 250 70 70 20 2.0-3.0
C300 300 80 80 20 2.0-3.0
Z Purlin Section Size
Section Size (mm) Hole Distance
H B b C t h
Z100 100 55 50 20 2.0-3.0 40
We Can Design the Machine According to Customer’s Requests
(with Middle Hole Punching or Flange Punching).
Z120 120 55 50 20 2.0-3.0
Adjustable Hole Distance
Z140 140 55 50 20 2.0-3.0
2150 160 67 61 20 2.0-3.0
Z160 180 67 61 20 2.0-3.0
2180 200 67 61 20 2.0-3.0
2200 220 67 61 20 2.0-3.0
Z250 250 78 72 20
Z280 280 78 72 20 2.0-3.0
2300 300 78 72 20 2.0-3.0

3 Reasons Why You Need To Get A CZ Purlin Roll Forming Machine

Photos for Reference

Sample 2 1 नमूना 1









what is c z purlin roll forming machine?

C Z purlin roll forming machine is a specialized industrial machine used for the continuous production of C-shaped and Z-shaped steel purlins. Purlins are structural components commonly used in the construction of buildings, particularly in the roofing and wall framing systems.

The roll forming machine consists of a series of rolls and tooling that progressively shape a flat strip of metal into the desired purlin profile. The machine takes in a coil of steel, usually galvanized or cold-rolled, and feeds it through the roll forming process. The rolls and tooling are designed to bend and form the metal strip into the precise shape of a C or Z purlin.

The machine operates in a continuous manner, meaning that the purlins are produced in a continuous length with cut-off mechanisms integrated into the system. The process typically involves several steps, including decoiling the steel coil, leveling the strip, punching holes or slots for fastening purposes, and finally, shaping the purlin profile. The machine can be computer-controlled and automated, ensuring accurate and consistent production.

C purlins have a C-shaped cross-section, resembling a rectangular beam with flanges on both sides. They are commonly used as structural supports for roofs, walls, and floor joists. Z purlins, on the other hand, have a Z-shaped cross-section, resembling the letter “Z.” They are typically used in situations where more load-carrying capacity is required, such as larger buildings or structures with heavier roof loads.

By using a C Z purlin roll forming machine, manufacturers can efficiently produce purlins in large quantities and with consistent quality. The machine offers high productivity, precise shaping capabilities, and flexibility to produce different sizes and profiles of purlins. It plays a crucial role in the construction industry, providing the necessary components for efficient and durable building structures.

advantage of China cz purlin roll forming machine

  1. Cost-effectiveness: China is known for its competitive manufacturing industry, and CZ purlin roll forming machines from China often offer a cost-effective solution compared to machines from other countries. The lower production costs in China can translate into more affordable prices for the machines, making them an attractive option for buyers.
  2. High-quality manufacturing: Chinese manufacturing companies have made significant advancements in terms of technology and production standards. Many Chinese CZ purlin roll forming machine manufacturers use modern machinery, advanced automation, and stringent quality control processes to ensure high-quality products. This means that buyers can expect reliable and durable machines.
  3. Wide range of options: China has a vast market of CZ purlin roll forming machine manufacturers, offering a wide range of options to choose from. Buyers can find machines with different specifications, sizes, and features to meet their specific production requirements. The competitive market in China encourages manufacturers to innovate and provide various options to cater to different customer needs.
  4. Customization capabilities: Chinese CZ purlin roll forming machine manufacturers often offer customization services. This means that buyers can request modifications or additional features to suit their unique production needs. Customization can include adjustments in roll design, punching patterns, and other specifications, allowing buyers to optimize the machine’s performance for their specific applications.
  5. Export experience: China has extensive experience in exporting machinery and equipment to various countries around the world. Chinese manufacturers have established efficient logistics and shipping networks, making it relatively easy to import CZ purlin roll forming machines from China to different locations globally. This experience can simplify the buying process and ensure smooth delivery of the machines.

advantage of China cz purlin roll forming machine

There are several advantages of China CZ purlin roll forming machines. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Cost-effectiveness: China is known for its competitive manufacturing industry, and CZ purlin roll forming machines from China often offer a cost-effective solution compared to machines from other countries. The lower production costs in China can translate into more affordable prices for the machines, making them an attractive option for buyers.
  2. High-quality manufacturing: Chinese manufacturing companies have made significant advancements in terms of technology and production standards. Many Chinese CZ purlin roll forming machine manufacturers use modern machinery, advanced automation, and stringent quality control processes to ensure high-quality products. This means that buyers can expect reliable and durable machines.
  3. Wide range of options: China has a vast market of CZ purlin roll forming machine manufacturers, offering a wide range of options to choose from. Buyers can find machines with different specifications, sizes, and features to meet their specific production requirements. The competitive market in China encourages manufacturers to innovate and provide various options to cater to different customer needs.
  4. Customization capabilities: Chinese CZ purlin roll forming machine manufacturers often offer customization services. This means that buyers can request modifications or additional features to suit their unique production needs. Customization can include adjustments in roll design, punching patterns, and other specifications, allowing buyers to optimize the machine’s performance for their specific applications.
  5. Export experience: China has extensive experience in exporting machinery and equipment to various countries around the world. Chinese manufacturers have established efficient logistics and shipping networks, making it relatively easy to import CZ purlin roll forming machines from China to different locations globally. This experience can simplify the buying process and ensure smooth delivery of the machines.

It’s important to note that while there are advantages to purchasing CZ purlin roll forming machines from China, it is always recommended to conduct thorough research and due diligence before making a purchase. This includes evaluating the reputation, reliability, and after-sales support of the specific manufacturer or supplier to ensure a satisfactory buying experience.


अभी तक कोई समीक्षा नहीं।

CZ Purlin Roll forming machine की समीक्षा करने वाले पहले व्यक्ति बनें

आपका ईमेल पता प्रकाशित नहीं किया जाएगा. आवश्यक फ़ील्ड चिह्नित हैं *

सामान्य प्रश्न

क्या आप एक निर्माता या ट्रेडिंग कंपनी हैं?

हम विभिन्न प्रकार की लेजर मशीन के निर्यात के लिए पेशेवर उत्पादन टीम और सेवा चेतना के साथ कारखाने हैं।

क्या आपके पास बिक्री के बाद समर्थन है?

हाँ, हम मार्गदर्शन देने के लिए ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध हैं और ग्राहकों के कारखानों को भेजने के लिए कुशल तकनीशियन भी हैं।

आपकी भुगतान शर्तें क्या हैं?

30% जमा उत्पादन से पहले भुगतान किया जाता है, शिपमेंट से पहले निरीक्षण पुष्टि के बाद भुगतान किया गया शेष।

अगर मशीन टूट गई तो आप क्या कर सकते हैं?
क्या आप ऑर्डर के अनुसार सही सामान डिलीवर करेंगे? मैं तुम पर भरोसा कैसे करूँ?

हाँ हम करेंगे। हमारी कंपनी संस्कृति का मूल ईमानदारी और क्रेडिट है। सनवे बीवी मूल्यांकन और सीई प्रमाणपत्र के साथ अलीबाबा का गोल्ड सप्लायर है।

क्या आप केवल मानक मशीनें बेचते हैं?

नहीं, हमारी अधिकांश मशीनें प्रसिद्ध ब्रांड घटकों का उपयोग करके ग्राहकों के विनिर्देशों के अनुसार डिज़ाइन की गई हैं।

हमारी कंपनी का दौरा कैसे करें?

शंघाई हवाई अड्डे के लिए उड़ान भरें: शंघाई से वूशी (30 मिनट) तक हाई स्पीड ट्रेन द्वारा, फिर हम आपको उठा सकते हैं।

जाँच करना


अब पूछताछ करें

कोई प्रश्न? हमें अभी संदेश भेजें! आपका संदेश प्राप्त होने के बाद हम पूरी टीम के साथ आपके अनुरोध की सेवा करेंगे। 🙂

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